Teneice KirbyI am a mother, a daughter, an auntie, a Godmother, an Youth Director, and an Educator along with so many other things. My journey in Education started over 27 years ago with the birth of my oldest son, Justin. When he was born, he had some complications at birth that deepened my faith in God. After having Justin, I gave birth again to my last son, Edward.
My sons presented various challenges that required my patience and perseverance. I leaned into James 1: 4-6, asked for wisdom, and then trusted the process. Those challenges led me to become a teacher and an advocate for families of students with different abilities. I say different abilities because I want families to focus on how our legacies can do things differently. I have taught in Education for over 10 years ranging from Pre-Kindergarten to High School. I gained a Technical Certificate in Early Childhood Education, an Associate of Applied Science, and an Associate of Science in Early Childhood Education from Nashville State Community College. I have earned a dual Bachelor of Science in both General Education and Special Education. I obtained a Master of Education in Educational Leadership. My final accomplishment was my Master of Education in Reading Specialist with a Dyslexia Certification. |